quinta-feira, julho 25, 2013

An unreplicated experiment

Have you ever thought that
Life is an experiment with no replication?

With so many treatments that
Degrees of freedom are infinite

Indeed, life is such an odd experience
Without any proper control
Though some still think they have one
Fools dreaming with a Hulrbert`s world

But, come on for Popper`s sake!
One may say
Is that life an inductive race?
Well, that is a good question mate

For the daily base, 
Can you predict what is going to be tomorrow
Or any other day?

So get a couple of years
Look back and deduce that
What you have done probably explains
Where and what you are today

Hold on!
Is there any residual to be taken away?
Because one may say, that what you haven't done 
Shall explain the same!

One day, which I hope is still far away
Paste some decades of your life to your PC
I don't mind if you prefer Venn, Bayes or the Akaike way

Just don`t forget to take notes of your conclusion
'Cause it will be your legacy
The meta-analysis of your life