segunda-feira, janeiro 23, 2006

A arte de escrever

Aproveitando o meu retorno, deixo aqui uma pérola proveniente de um artigo publicado em 2004 no Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America*

"Writing can be a frustrating process, particularly for novice authors. Many graduate students suffer considerably as they attempt to write their thesis work. We offer two lines of advice to ease the pain of writing. First, it is quite helpful to work from an outline. If the outline is sufficiently detailed, the writing process consists of expanding each bullet point into a paragraph. This makes the manuscript seem like a much more manageable animal. Second, many people have trouble writing from an outline, or even writing the outline itself. To them, we relay the sage advice of an anonymous neuroscientist/musician: (1) write drunk, and (2) edit sober. Although this strategy was developed for writing rock and roll lyrics, the basic philosophy holds for science writing as well".

Sensacional! Agora podemos justificar nossas bebedeiras com referência e tudo!

* Harley, CDG , Hixon, MA, & Levin, LA 2004. Scientific writing and publishing – a guide for students. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 85:74-78.

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

bom, hein?!

por onde anda,rapaz?

Ronzi disse...


This is Ron Cianciaruso from Florida, USA.. Wanted to say hi..

Is this Andres ??

My Email is